9 Day Novena to Infant of Prague PDF


Novena prayers have been a significant part of Catholic devotion for centuries. One of the most popular novenas is the 9-day novena to the Infant of Prague. This novena is a powerful way to seek the intercession of the Infant Jesus for various intentions. In this article, we will provide you with a PDF version of the 9-day novena to the Infant of Prague, along with some insights into its history and significance.

The History of the Infant of Prague

The devotion to the Infant of Prague originated in the 17th century when a statue of the Child Jesus was brought to Prague, Czech Republic. The statue is known for its miraculous powers and has become a symbol of hope, healing, and protection for many believers.

Understanding the Novena

A novena is a form of prayer that involves reciting specific prayers or devotions for nine consecutive days. The 9-day novena to the Infant of Prague is no exception. This novena is a beautiful way to seek the Infant Jesus’ help, especially in times of need or when facing difficult situations.

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Benefits of Praying the Novena

Praying the 9-day novena to the Infant of Prague can bring numerous benefits to the faithful. It is believed that through this devotion, one can experience spiritual growth, receive guidance in making important decisions, find comfort in times of distress, and obtain miraculous favors from the Infant Jesus.

How to Pray the Novena

To begin the 9-day novena to the Infant of Prague, it is important to find a quiet and peaceful place where you can focus on your prayers. You can use the provided PDF to follow along with the specific prayers and intentions for each day of the novena.

Each day, start by making the Sign of the Cross and recite the opening prayers. Then, proceed with the daily prayers, reflecting on the intentions and seeking the intercession of the Infant of Prague. Conclude each day with the closing prayers and the Sign of the Cross.

Importance of Faith and Devotion

While reciting the prayers is essential, it is equally important to approach the novena with a sincere heart, deep faith, and unwavering devotion. The Infant of Prague is known for his compassion and willingness to help those who approach him with trust and love.

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Download the 9-Day Novena to the Infant of Prague PDF

Click here to download the PDF file containing the complete 9-day novena to the Infant of Prague. Save it on your device or print it out for easy access during your prayer time.


The 9-day novena to the Infant of Prague is a powerful prayer devotion that can bring immense spiritual benefits and miraculous favors. Through this practice, believers can strengthen their faith, find solace in times of trouble, and experience the loving intercession of the Infant Jesus. Download the provided PDF and embark on this beautiful journey of prayer and devotion to the Infant of Prague.

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