Hukum Bacaan Tajwid Surat Al Baqarah Ayat 83

Tajwid is the art of reading the Quran correctly, with proper pronunciation, intonation, and emphasis. It is essential for every Muslim to learn Tajwid to recite the Quran accurately and to understand its meanings better. Surat Al Baqarah, one of the longest chapters in the Quran, contains numerous verses that require proper Tajwid rules to be followed. In this article, we will focus on the Tajwid rules for Surat Al Baqarah Ayat 83.

Tajwid Rule 1: Ghunnah

One of the crucial Tajwid rules applied in Surat Al Baqarah Ayat 83 is Ghunnah. Ghunnah refers to nasalization, which occurs when certain letters are followed by a Noon or Meem with a Sukun (tanwin). In this verse, the letter “م” (Meem) is followed by a Noon with a Sukun.

When pronouncing this verse, one must make sure to give the letter “م” a nasal sound by closing the soft part of the palate. This nasalization should be done quickly and smoothly to maintain proper Tajwid.

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Tajwid Rule 2: Qalqalah

Another Tajwid rule to consider in Surat Al Baqarah Ayat 83 is Qalqalah, which means “echo” or “reverberation.” Qalqalah occurs when certain letters are pronounced with a slight bounce or echo sound. In this verse, the letter “ق” (Qaf) appears, which requires the application of Qalqalah.

When pronouncing the letter “ق,” one must add a slight bounce or echo sound to it. This Qalqalah effect should be audible but not exaggerated. The sound should be produced from the throat and not from the nose or lips.

Tajwid Rule 3: Madd

Madd refers to the elongation of certain letters in the Quran. In Surat Al Baqarah Ayat 83, there are no specific letters to be elongated. However, it is essential to maintain the proper length of each letter according to its respective rule. Each letter should be given its due right in terms of elongation.

Tajwid Rule 4: Idgham

Idgham is the merging or assimilation of two letters when they occur together. In Surat Al Baqarah Ayat 83, there are no instances of Idgham. However, it is crucial to be aware of the rules of Idgham and apply them correctly whenever they appear in other verses of the Quran.

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Tajwid Rule 5: Waqf

Waqf refers to the proper stopping and pausing at the end of a verse or a sentence. In Surat Al Baqarah Ayat 83, it is essential to observe the Waqf rules to ensure correct recitation and understanding. The verse should be paused at appropriate points without disrupting the flow of the meaning.

It is recommended to seek guidance from a qualified Quran teacher or scholar to learn the detailed Tajwid rules for Surat Al Baqarah Ayat 83. By applying the proper Tajwid rules, we can enhance our recitation of the Quran and gain a deeper understanding of its message.


In conclusion, Surat Al Baqarah Ayat 83 requires the application of various Tajwid rules to ensure accurate recitation. These rules include Ghunnah, Qalqalah, Madd, Idgham, and Waqf. By following these rules, Muslims can recite the Quran with proper pronunciation, intonation, and emphasis, thereby enhancing their connection with the divine message. It is essential to seek knowledge from qualified sources to learn Tajwid and implement it correctly in our recitation of the Quran.

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